Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wicked Wanda the Witch Art Doll

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I wanted to share this doll I just finished this morning. 

I was very excited to finish her, and spent many days tweaking and putting on finishing touches. I took many photos, to get the shots I wanted and posted them to my facebook page......then , while I was away from the computer I came back & checked my page, and someone had msg me to buy her, so she sold right away......always an exciting feeling for an artist...... that almost never happens

......then I noticed someone had put sad faces as comments on all my pictures, when I checked, it was another doll artist. Why would another artist put sad faces as comments???? I find it disturbing. As an artist, I support others, their work, their accomplishments, and provide POSITIVE feedback........Was she trying to discourage buyers? I just don't get it.

I make all my own designs and patterns. I have a sketchbook full of sketches and ideas, that come from my imagination. I get inspiration from a variety of places, movies, television, books, fabric, media, and the internet.....and  My dolls are all OOAK original creations. I DO NOT COPY other peoples work, and I most certainly don't put negative posts on images, where another artist is selling/advertising their work. 
Artists should support each other.  I was under the impression that we all did, but unfortunately I guess thats not the case.......sadly.


  1. Lorraine,

    I feel terrible thinking that someone would put sad faces in hopes of discouraging you from your craft! You are an excellent artist and I am proud to be the owner of 20+ dolls you have made. Witch Wanda, as with all of your creations, is unique and one of a kind.

    Since first buying from you, we have had many wonderful conversations about your ideas and finished pieces. You and your dollies are certainly OOAKs and I wouldn't change any of you a bit!

    Lots of hugs.
